Thursday 23 April 2015

Good and Bad Things in the Last Holidays

During the last holidays, some good things happened to me.  In the first week, all our family went to Stanwell Park, in the south west of Sydney.  There were many people in the park with their friends and families. You could easily notice that everyone was delighted with the beauty of nature. The top hill provides a unique view of the sea.  A group of hang gliders flew down from the peak of the hills. They flew off the cliffs and returned from over the sea. 

There were other good things in the second week when we prepared for an Afghani cuisine called Manto. We’ve brought the dish from overseas, but we never used that. During this holiday we tried to use the dish for the first time here in Australia and that was a new experience made the entire of the day fun.

Having not good experiences along with good things makes life consistent.  However nothing bad happened to me during the last holidays, but sometimes I felt boring staying at home all week.  But never mind that is life and we need come along.  Imagine if there were always just good thing happened to us, maybe life would be completely meaningless.