Thursday 12 March 2015

Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela was born in 1918 at Utamata, Transkie, South Africa. His birth name Rolihiahia, means 'stirring up trouble' a name which proved to be most apt, for Mandela felt from the start a burning anger against the 'apartheid' laws which discriminated against black South Africa.

As a young child, Mandela had to work herding cattle but fortunately he was latter given a scholarship and sent away to school, and eventually he studied Law at Johannesburg. 

Mandela experienced more of the injustice of apartheid do he joined the African National Congress and led peaceful protest. in 1960, after 69 young protesters were gunned down by the police, Mandela decided to protest more forcibly. He joined a secret organisation called /Spare of the Nation' which used to sabotage government property. 

Mandela was a wanted man. He went 'underground' and used false disguises names. However, in the 1962 he was caught. He was tried and sentenced to 5 years gaol, but there was a second trial and, he was sent to gaol for life. 

At his trial, Mandela said, ' I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and achieve. But if need be it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die.'

Many supporters all over the world hoped that Mandela would be freed to work toward his vision for South Africa.  They rejoice when he was set free in 1090 and again when he was elected President in South Africa's first democratic election.