Extra compact note taking:
Culture effects
- Different cultures = different ways in which people approach a task
- Each Culture Þ bring diff purposes Þ way of thinking Þconsequently finishes with different results
- Traditions have specific implications Þ not just WHAT to think Þ but also HOW to think.
Different systems of educations in different
Conserving systems of education
Extending systems of education
Questioning is not welcomed
Asking questions is encouraged
Information is exclusively limited to what teachers dictate
Students get supports to search for information by themselves
Students are obliged to imitate exactly what they are taught
Students are encouraged for further exploration
Critical thinking
keep a preserving behaviour
Attitude to extend knowledge
Learning approach results in repeating the existing knowledge
Learning approach oriented toward speculation
Different approach Þ emphasize on particular disciplines Þ distinctive styles of writing.
Robert Kaplan: Five distinct patterns for
structuring expository writings.
In Western cultures:
English = linear Þ stick to the idea
Þ strict on
relevance Þ moving right to the point. Romance
& Russian = similar linear Þ moving a bit around the main
idea permitted. Semitic = parallelism Þ repeats
variations of the same sentences, either reflect or contradict the main idea. Oriental
= circles around the topic, defining ideas in the opposite way.
Each academic discipline Þ happens in a specific discourse Þ create a subculture
Subcultures Þ presenting their contents in their own applicable approaches.
Sub cultures Þ different criteria for determining relevance.
Common rules: Brevity + clarity + reliability
Same materials used in different ways in
different disciplines. i.e. statistics, formula, graphics and
Different disciplines lead to think differently
and advise (flexibility)
background interferes studying abroad.
Asian students need to develop analytical and
critical ways in order to study successfully.