Sunday 29 March 2015


To:          EFS Class Afternoon 
From:      Taqi 
Date:      26/03/2015
Subject:  Punctuality 

For a few weeks, there has been a problem with the students not coming on time.  At first, it was taught that the problem might be interim, but gradually it has been noticed that some students still have late attendance.

Coming on time shows respect to the teacher, classmates and ourselves. When you come on time, you are following the principles and shows your commitments with regards to the rules. Being on time also means that you admire your teacher and classmates because you are not making them wait for long and you or not disturbing by your late entering into the class. By coming on the time you also fulfilling with your own tasks and preventing of wasting the resources you’ve already provided for your education.

Let's all make an effort to come on time. There are many ways to prevent late attendance in class. First of all, you need to be organised. If you are using public transport, make sure to plan it in advance. By using an online application you can simply find out when the train is leaving and how long it will take for you to get to the college.  If you drive, leave your house a bit earlier so you will have plenty of time in case of a traffic jam. 

All classmates should be advised that the class is not happy with interruption anymore, so please be punctual. 

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