Monday 15 June 2015

Global Warming Report


Global Warming is a term used to describe the increase of average temperature on the surface of the Earth.  A constant and rapid raising of global temperature causes climate change and disorders the weather balance and life conditions.  Unlike any regional disasters, viral diseases and social conflicts, global warming is basically borderless. Therefore global warming is the most challenging issue now on the Earth as it threatens the live of every being on the globe. 
This report highlights the causes and effects of global warming followed by possible suggestions on how to tackle it.  
Although natural activities like bushfires and volcanoes release a massive amount of carbon dioxide, the major factors of global warming are made by humans. (What is climate change? nd).  Generally there are two causes for global warming. 

1. Greenhouse Gas 

Global warming happens under the effect of greenhouse gas.  Greenhouse is a phenomenon caused by a group of heavy molecule gases by which the sun's warmth is trapped on the Earth.  Dissimilar gases are with different level of greenhouse effects but carbon dioxide (CO2), methane and nitrous oxide are at the top in terms of their quantity in the atmosphere. (What is climate change? nd).  There are many factors of releasing greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.  According The World Wildlife Foundation, power stations and machineries such as planes, trains and cars which consume fossil fuels like petroleum and coal emit carbon dioxide.  Some grazing animals like sheep and kettles releases methane. (What causes global warming? WWF nd).

2. Deforestation  

Forests are the natural tools to balance climate.  Forests run the water cycle by vaporizing it up to the air.  Forests absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen.  Deforestation will stop this important action of carbon sinking.  According the World Wildlife Fund estimation, 15% of the overall greenhouse gas emissions is because of deforestation. (Overview, WWF, nd)  
Either greenhouse gas emission or deforestation, both intensify global warming consequently creates disasters worldwide.


Global warming will affect life on earth in a variety of ways.   In recent years particular symptoms of global warming are emerging as drought, floods and icecap cutback in the North Pole. (What Is a Polar Ice Cap? nd)  Three major effects are as follows. 

1. Weather Disorder 

The current pattern of weather consists of a balance between the hydrosphere and the cryosphere.   Global warming disarranges this system of balance and creates enormous problems such as drought, bushfire, and storms. (What is climate change? nd).

2. Raising Sea Level

One of the major effects of global warming is raising sea level by melting glaciers.    The Climate Change in Australia explains that the sea level has raised 3.2 mm per year between 1993 and 2010. (Climate Variability and Climate Change 2014).  If sea levels raise a few feet millions of people will be displaced and seaports will go underwater.  

3. Health Crisis 

Global warming is a result of pollution, but pollution also intensifies communicable disease as well as asthma and allergies. Global warming has sufficient potential to expand a vast habitation for mosquitoes and mosquitoes can spreading more parasites.   
Although these effects are extremely terrifying but there are alternative solutions for global warming.

Alternative Solutions

Every action that can reduce greenhouse emissions is a solution for global warming.  Using energy sources other than from fossil fuels would be the major point.  Including enhancing the technology to reduce energy consumption, there are two major solutions for global warming.  

1. Renewable Energy  

Renewable energy is an alternative for fossil fuel with two superior attributes which are unlimited sources of power and do not cause much harm the environment.  The main five renewable energy sources are solar, hydro, wind, geothermal and bioenergy, (David Suzuki Foundation 2014). Every step toward renewable energy is phasing out fossil fuel. According to The David Suzuki Foundation (2014) $244 billion was spent worldwide for renewable energy only in 2012. The budget covered a variety of investments in the fields of research, development, and manufacturing of renewable energy, (Energy Overview nd).

2. Waste Management and Carbon Damping   

Some wastes is harmful to the environment and intensifies global warming.  Many kinds of wastes are degradable, nevertheless, they can release greenhouse gases in the process of spoilage.  According to The IEA website, (2014), managing wastes properly and damping carbon dioxide of factories and power stations deep underground could be the best way to halt further emissions and prevent global warming.  In Saskatchewan, Canada an 110MW power station traps around 1 million tonnes of carbon dioxide every year.  The IEA states, this coal burning factory is equipped to capture CO2 and inject it back into the nearby landfill. (Hails Historic Launch of Carbon Capture and Storage Project 1, 10, 2014) 


Global warming is one of the most challenging problems on Earth.  The world has never been so warm within past few millenniums, (WWF 2014).  Coal and oil related industries, deforestation and exceeded consumption have leaded to global warming. After 1890 the global temperature shows a constant increase.  Perhaps many opportunities have already lost but still global warming prevention doesn’t seem inconceivable. 
Global warming is a live threatens for every kind of species everywhere on the planet Earth.  It cannot be limited inside political or geographical boarders.  Global warming is a matter for every individual and needs the entire globe to stand together in order to halt this increasing threat.  Alongside seeking alternatives for fossil fuels, enhancing energy efficient technology and promoting green culture would be the best solutions.


Climate Variability and Climate Change 2014, Climate Change in Australia, viewed on 5 June 2015,< >.

 Energy overview nd, David Suzuki Foundation, viewed 7 June 2015, <>. 

Overview nd, World Wildlife Fund, viewed on 5 June 2015,<>. 

Hails Historic Launch of Carbon Capture and Storage Project 2014, IEA, viewed 7 June 2015,<>. 

What is climate change? Nd, Australian Conservation Foundation, viewed 10 June 2015.<>. 

What is a Polar Ice Cap? nd, Wonder O Polis, viewed 10 Jun. 15.  <>. 

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