Thursday 7 December 2017

Layout Analysis

The Brochure Drug Rape Brochure

The target audiences of the Drug Rape Brochure (n.d.) are young adult females who usually attend nightclubs for fun and are vulnerable to being exposed to drugs and sexual rape. This brochure warns about those young women about the ways that drugs are used to facilitate sexual assault.

The layout of this brochure is predominantly shaped up of a large number of images of women which show the states of drunkenness. These images show young girls and women unconscious and their defenceless situation enables the reader to understand and share the feelings of vulnerability and thus the brochure creates empathy. Therefore, it can be easily understood that the rhetorical device of pathos has been used for emotional appeal.  

Of the four principals by Robin Williams (2008) for visual elements in a layout, repetition is used more frequently throughout the brochure. The repetition of the images has led to a cohesive sense and emphasised the message visually. However, many of the similar images are aligned together which has led to weakened the contrast of the brochure.

The text background of this brochure is based on black colour which induces the feeling of darkness. The texts with its dark background are chosen to be surrounded by images of young ladies. This composition provides the layout design with informative value and visually connects the centre and margin to convey the message more effectively.


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